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working copy (文件等)工作用復本。

working day

When you request an operation for which change propagation is enabled , the source control plug - in changes your working copy of the source - controlled item , the master copy in the database , and the copies of other users when you check in the item and the other users retrieve it 當您請求一個啟用了更改傳播的操作時,源代碼管理插件在您簽入該項和其他用戶獲取它時更改您受源代碼管理項的工作副本、數據庫中的主控副本和其他用戶的副本。

This command retrieves a working copy of all mapped files and subfolders from the server to the local workspace as they were at the time when changeset 此命令將所有映射的文件和子文件夾的工作副本從服務器檢索到本地工作區,并且它們所處的時間為創建變更集

After adding the item , the source control plug - in binds your local working copy of a solution or project to its version in the database 在添加該項之后,源代碼管理插件將您解決方案或者項目的本地工作副本綁定到其數據庫中的版本上。

The connection establishes a handshake between your working copy of the solution on disk and the master copy of the solution in the database 連接在您解決方案在磁盤上的工作副本和在數據庫中的主控副本之間建立一次握手。

This hardware contains a working copy of all the company s current data and is considered confidential 這個硬件包含公司的所有當前數據的有效副本并且認為是機密。

We want to make sure a working copy of websphere portal is installed that you can test 我們希望確保安裝webshpere portal的一個工作副本,您可以對其進行測試。

You can e - mail bilal for working copies of the code files contained in this article at )向bilal索取本文中包含的代碼文件的工作副本。

The fuzzy lookup transformation creates a working copy of the reference table 模糊查找轉換將創建引用表的工作副本。

The third tape will be used by icac officers as working copy 第三盒供廉署人員作工作錄影帶用

A local copy is sometimes referred to as a working copy , 本地副本有時稱為工作副本。